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Montoro is an Italian village of 19612 inhabitants, in the province of Avellino. The great valley, geographically located at the door of Irpinia, runs for 40 square kilometres, it is a fertile area with two natural streams of water: the Laura and the Solofrana. The soil’s fertility is due to the presence of volcanic materials and the presence of migratory birds, both have allowed human settlement. Italic populations have left several signs of their presence and the domination of Rome is documented by the rural villas of the area. The village is located at 190 above sea level and is composed by 15 hamlets, including Borgo. Borgo di Montoro is located at the foot of the Castle, where the first inhabitants settled. It was the legal residence of the Governor.
The Governor was elected by the lords, to administer justice and control the community. Every year, in this hamlet, took place the election of Montoro University’s Major, hired with a public deed. This place housed the headquarters Catapania, where Catalan people used to gather. They had the direct control on the Annona (provisions of cereals and foodstuffs) and collected the revenues from the “Houses of Bread”, which were assigned to elected representatives. The sale of bread was subject to tax and the proceeds were allocated to restore churches, streets, etc. On a bearing wall of the building, there is a sign that says “Borgo pays one hundred “fuochi”, and there is an old shield with a diagonal band on it. It is the most populated hamlet of the area.

"Craft activities, traditional, receptivity, catering, green areas and places of historical interest."

Hospitality & Restaurants |
la cantina dei briganti

History & Monuments |
chiesa di san pantaleone

History & Monuments |
il castello longobardo di montoro

History & Monuments |
il monastero del corpo di cristo


"Useful information and contacts"

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